



在此(完整版在網誌裡喔)先透露一些健身房必備英文給我們的Fans(由MOE的好友Ken T. and Kevin S.提供)! 非常實用喔!



I think some basic Gym etiquette (禮儀) would be...以下是在gym裡面會用到的禮貌用語~

1.) May I work in with you? 我可以跟你一起用這台機器嗎

2.) Wanjung How many more sets do you have? 你還剩幾組 (要多久的意思)

3.) Are you working on the machine? 你在用這台機器嗎

4.) Do you need a personal trainer, I have a friend his name is Ken Tung… 你需要一個私人教練嗎, 我有一個好朋友叫Ken (幫朋友搭訕用語)

5.) You want to have muscles like Ken Tung 你想要擁有如Ken一般的肌肉嗎 (自吹自擂用語)

6.) You want to be buff (壯) like Ken Tung? 你想要變得跟Ken一樣壯嗎? (Ken失心瘋了)

7.) Ken Tung is sexy (這…)

8.) Do you need someone to spot you? 你需要人幫一把嗎? (這句在Gym真的很常用)




A "Rep" (repetition): a single, complete motion. (一個rep= 完整的一下)

A "Set": composed of a number of rep's (usually 10 or 12). (一個set通常是10~12下)

Example: We usually do 4 sets, of 10 reps each on an exercise.


Buff: Big/strong 壯

Cut: Possessing well defined muscle structure. 線條


美式笑話Example: Loudly exclaim大聲的說 "Hey I think I need to go to the hospital...(我想我要去一下醫院)"

Then, take your shirt off然後脫下衣服, flex your muscles (擠一下肌肉) and say "Cos I'm all CUT UP 因為我被切了(指線條完美)!" 


Other most commonly used phrases: 其他常用語

Hey, check out that chick. 看那馬子

Hey, check out that jail-bait (引人想犯罪的馬子).


It is never appropriate to admire the muscles of another man (在健身房誇獎另一個男生的肌肉是很不恰當的), or to compliment (讚美也不好). 

Only scorn輕視and contempt 藐視 should be shown (對別得男性 一定要擺出輕視和藐視的態度).


Example: When seeing a really strong/cut/buff guy, the appropriate comment to make: He's must be on steroids, what a poser. 

在健身房看到一個很壯的人,一定要說 “那男的一定有用類固醇,只會擺姿勢”

Or: He's probably gay. (他大概是Gay)

Or: Whatever, I can push heavier weights than him, but I just worked out and I'm just not in my peak physical condition. 



And to always start counting your reps from 20 to properly impress the ladies. 

舉重時一定要從20開始算,馬子才會覺得你很酷 The lower the weight, the higher you should start your count. 舉越輕,開始算的數字要越高!

Example: When doing 5kg weights on the bench press, count your 10 reps from "91, 92, 93, 94... 100!!" 譬如說舉五磅的時第十下後,要喊91 92 93…

Be sure to wipe you face with your sweat towel as if you're sweating profusely. You never know who's watching. 


學了這幾句~ 以後在健身房就可以很秋了喔!! 


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