在台灣就能Online上美國知名大學UCLA教授開的托福課喔!10/03 開課, 十週學費545元美金


報名及買書步驟:To purchase the textbook for our course, please follow the steps below. 

Go to http://www.uclaextension.edu 

- Click on the "Quick Enroll" tab.

- Enter Reg# W7757 and then click on "Go".

- On the "Course Description" page, click on "Get Textbook Information".

- On the "Ordering Textbooks" page, click on "Get Textbook".


課程大綱UCLA Extension Course Syllabus 

Course# W7757

Course title: TOEFL iBT Preparation Online

Dates: Fall 2011

Instructor: Jennifer I. Garcia, M.S. in Teaching English



Welcome to TOEFL iBT Preparation Online! I am delighted you have decided to not only better prepare for your upcoming TOEFL iBT Test, but to also learn how to improve your communication in English! This class is here to help facilitate your preparation for the TOEFL iBT by teaching you new strategies, developing the strategies you already have and help you collaborate with your classmates in discovering new ways to communicate and share ideas! 


課程概要Course Description

This 30-hour-equivalent online course includes in-depth modules with 10 online sessions that will allow you to practice the TOEFL iBT tasks for reading, writing, and speaking with getting. We will specifically focus on Independent Speaking Tasks 1 and 2, Integrated Reading, Listening and Speaking Task, Independent Writing Task, Integrated Writing Task, and Reading. This course is designed to help you improve your English skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) which are tested on the TOEFL iBT. By being offered online, the student can work on the assignments when they have time to do so; many students taking the course and working adults or students at a university. Along with giving the student personalized feedback, many varieties of media are used by the instructor to lead the student into preparing for TOEFL iBT. By the end of the course, participants will develop strategies and skills needed in speaking, listening, reading, writing and vocabulary, identify areas that need improvement and practice sections of the test.


Contact information & protocol

Jennifer I. Garcia




Students, upon entry, should be:

  • High-intermediate or advanced ESL (English as a Second Language) learners
  • Non-native English speakers who work at least part-time in an English language environment
  • Basic knowledge of computers, tools, peripherals, and related terminology, including the QWERTY keyboard


課程目標Expected Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to


  • Learn and apply note-taking skills to test questions including lectures and sample conversations


  • Be knowledgeable about the 12 types of questions in the reading section
  • Learn strategies that will facilitate quick and effective reading
  • Understand and identify the reading strategies that are best for you


  • Identify the structures (independent & integrated) tested on the TOEFL iBT
  • Employ both writing structures to the appropriate sections of the exam
  • Become aware of grammatical errors and actively change them with instructor’s assistance


  • Learn about different listening strategies
  • Develop listening strategies for the exam


  • Develop speaking strategies for the exam
  • Identify & differentiate between the speaking structures (independent, integrated) on the exam


  • Learn new university-level vocabulary and vocabulary used on TOEFL iBT
  • Communicate with university-level vocabulary when speaking and when writing

      Technical skills:

  • Be more comfortable typing in Standard English on a QWERTY keyboard 

課程內容Description of Content

This course is offered in ten weekly online sessions. Participants can find and complete all assignments, access teacher’s feedback and access other helpful links for preparing for the TOEFL iBT.


Session 1: This first week is an introduction to the course, meeting the instructor and the other students, and getting familiar with the discussion board by posting a biography about yourself as a new thread and two replies to fellow classmates’ threads. In this first week you will also read the sample vocabulary journal, and submit your first vocabulary journal.


Session 2: This section focuses on the independent speaking component of the TOEFL iBT. Speaking strategies will be presented, including brainstorming and organization. Activities include reading your textbook, listening to a lecture, listen to sample answers for TOEFL iBT questions, learn speaking skills, and complete assignments. Speaking strategies quiz, completing three speaking practice questions and vocabulary journal due.


Session 3: Listening strategies are presented in the session, including note-taking while listening and listening for main ideas and details for academic listening. Discussion board posting, note-taking assignment, listening quiz and vocabulary journal due. Activities include reading the textbook pages assigned, listening to a lecture on listening strategies and completing the quiz and vocabulary journal.


Session 4: Writing strategies for independent writing section are presented in this session, including brainstorming, organization, and choosing best options for writing. A contrast of a regular essay and a TOEFL iBT essay is presented, along with key aspects of a TOEFL iBT essay. Writing strategy brainstorm assignment due, along with sample essay and vocabulary journal.


Session 5: Reading section covered in this session. Presented are reading skills and strategies needed to quickly and effectively answer reading test questions. Assignments due include completing practice reading sections of the test, replying to discussion board questions, and submitting vocabulary journal.


Session 6: This session is focused on the Integrated Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT. In this section, students will read the textbook covering this section, along with listening to a lecture about key strategies to be used while taking the test. Assignments due include submitting the speaking section response to two questions, listening to feedback and resubmitting one revised answer, replying to discussion board and submitting the week’s vocabulary journal.


Session 7: In this week’s session, students will continue to learn strategies for the listening section, namely the conversation in an academic setting. Assignments include reading the textbook, listening to a lecture, submitting speaking responses from practice questions about the listening section and submitting this week’s vocabulary journal.


Session 8: Writing strategies for integrated writing section discussed. Assignments include reading the lecture, practicing brainstorming for integrated writing, vocabulary journal, integrated writing practice essay, answering discussion board questions and submitting this week’s vocabulary journal.


Session 9: Reading section covered, namely exposition and historical-type readings. Assignments include reading various sample paragraphs, answering the sample questions, submitting recorded reasons for choices, answering discussion board questions and submitting vocabulary journal.


Session 10: Taking practice test and submitting answers will be done this week’s session. Students will receive feedback and be able to resubmit incorrect answers. Last discussion boards done and final strategies test given.


課程要求Course Requirements:

1.  Reading assigned textbook pages and reading or listening to lectures.

2.  Responding to questions within the discussion boards in the weekly sessions.

3.  Completing 10 TOEFL Section Responses, recorded responses

4.  Completing 8 vocabulary journals.

5.  Completing 10 quizzes and 2 tests, multiple choice and short answer questions.


Course Evaluation

This is a non-credit course.  Students will pass the course if they have a grade of 80% or higher.  The grade breakdown is as follows:

  • Discussion Board: Respond to one Discussion Board question per week           10 wks = 20 pts possible
  • 8 Quizzes: 10 points each = 80 pts
  • 2 Independent Speaking responses, 5 points each, = 10 pts possible
  • 2 Integrated Speaking responses, 5 points each = 10 pts possible
  • 2 Independent Writing responses, 5 points each = 10 pts possible
  • 2 Integrated Writing responses, 5 points each = 10 pts possible
  • 8 Vocabulary Journals =  80 pts possible
  • Miscellaneous Homework Activities = 20
  • Final: 40 points
  • Total points possible = 300 pts
  • Passing grade = 210+ points

*Points are tentative according to instructor’s discretion; assignments may be added or deleted according to class need. 


Required Text

Rogers, B (2007).  The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test (iBT ed.).  Boston: Thomson Heinle.  ISBN: 978-1-4240-9339-7


Late assignments policy

  • All assignments are due on the date posted and in the stated format.  All assignments are under the “Assignments” folder.



  • You are required to log on to our class Blackboard (BB) site at least two (2) times per week.



  • Participation is a major component of this class.
  • “Participation” means doing all the required readings, vocabulary work, and completing and turning in all assignments by the due date as well as applying your knowledge and posting your responses to prompts on the Discussion Board.


Classroom Etiquette

In this online classroom, we have a wonderful opportunity to learn about each other’s cultures and experiences. Please share these freely, but be aware and sensitive to the culture and ideas of others. I encourage you to ask questions and discuss such things with each other, keeping with the respect and understanding I know you all have! Any negative comments are not allowed at anytime. Remember to be kind! :) 



UCLA Student Conduct Code

102.01c: Plagiarism


“Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of another's words or ideas as if they were one's own, including, but not limited to, representing, either with the intent to deceive or by the omission of the true source, part of or an entire work produced by someone other than the student, obtained by purchase or otherwise, as the student's original work or representing the identifiable but altered ideas, data, or writing of another person as if those ideas, data, or writing were the student's original work.”


Instructor’s Note: Please do your own work and do not copy from others.  You may not get help from friends, family members, or other native English speakers.  You may get help from tutors.  This class is about learning, not perfection.  Try your best and turn in your own work. 


Blackboard (BB)

Blackboard (BB) is an online classroom.  How do you log in to Blackboard?  You have been sent your Blackboard log-in instructions via an Enrollment Confirmation e-mail.  If you did not receive your Enrollment Confirmation: 1) Check your inbox and spam folder for the Enrollment Confirmation email (sent April 10th).  2) If you still did not get the email or if your log-in does not work, send a Request for Blackboard Support form.  To send a Request for Blackboard Support form, go to http://uclaextension.blackboard.com .


Required Resources

Computer with Internet access

Blackboard Tutorials (if you are not already familiar with Blackboard)



All course assignments are due on the date written on the syllabus. The assignments are due Mondays at 12:00 PST. For example, your Vocabulary Journal #1 is due on 4/19 at 12:00 PST. Make sure it is in the required format. Please be sure to turn in your work on time, so that I may give you the timely response that will help you learn more effectively! These assignments are also found in the Assignments tab.






Getting Started: Introduction, discussion board, overview of TOEFL iBT test, biography.


Read lecture 1 on overview of TOEFL iBT

Read Book, pages xi-xvi

Submit biography in Discussion Board (DB)

Submit 2 responses to classmates on DB

Read sample vocabulary journal

Do Week 1 Assignments (see Assignments tab)


Overview of reading section. Reading skills and strategies presented.

Vocabulary Journal #1 due.



Reply to discussion board question

See Week 2 Assignments


Listening strategies overview, note-taking and listening for a purpose skills.

Vocabulary Journal #2 due.



Discussion board question / response

See Week 3 Assignment


Writing strategies overview, including brainstorming, organization, best options for writing.

Vocabulary Journal #3 due.



Discussion board question / response

See Week 4 Assignments


Speaking Section: Overview of Independent speaking component of TOEFL iBT.

Vocabulary Journal #4 due



Discussion board question / response

See Week 4 Assignments


In-depth look at Integrated Speaking section.

Vocabulary Journal #5 due



Discussion board question / response

See Week 5 Assignments


Strategies for the listening section presented: conversations in an academic setting.

Vocabulary Journal #6 due



Discussion board question / response

See Week 7 Assignments



Writing strategies for integrated writing section.

Vocabulary Journal #7 due



Discussion board question / response

See Week 8 Assignments


Exposition and historical-type readings.

Vocabulary Journal #8 due



Discussion board question / response

See Week 9 Assignments



Taking final test.

Students will take a practice test along with strategies questions. Last discussion boards done.



Recommended Reading / Study

Gallagher, Nancy. DELTA'S Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test. McHenry: Delta Publishing Company, 2006. 


www.ets.org - Official TOEFL iBT Website




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