Msg = message 訊息
MWAH = kiss (sound a kiss makes) Mwah狀聲詞 親親的聲音
MYOB = mind your own business 管好自己吧你 別多管閒事 閃開
MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You星際大戰台詞!願原力與你同在=good luck
NH = nice hand 打得好 (通常用在打牌的遊戲裡誇獎對手)
NM = not much 沒什麼 (例: A: Sup? B: NM) Sup=what’s up
NM = never mind 算了
NP = no problem 沒問題
OG = original gangster有案底的幫派份子
(饒舌歌手TI 歌詞 "I graduated from the streets and now I’m an OG" 我從街頭畢業而我現在是OG, 例: Look at that OG in the fancy car!)
OIC = oh, I see
OMG = oh my god
OMG = oh my
pls or PLZ = please
ppl = people
Prolly = probably 大概喔
RIP = rest in peace 安息吧
RLY = really 真的嗎
RME = rolling my eyes 翻白眼!
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing 笑到在地上翻滾
PS = Post Script 喔對了(有點像By the way的用法)
RSVP = 法文respondez s'il vous plait = please reply 請回覆
SRY = sorry
Sup = what's up?
T+ = Think Positive 往好的地方想
TC = take care 照顧自己
TG = thank goodness 感謝上帝
THX = thanks 謝啦
TMI = too much information 一下子說太多記不得了
TTYL = talk to you later 待會再說
TY = thank you = 10Q 謝啦
TIA = thanks in advance 先謝啦
TGIF = Thank goodness it's Friday 感謝上帝終於要周末了
TM2T = Too Much To Type 要打太多字了
TTTT = to tell the truth 說真的
UL = upload 上傳
UR = you are / your
VIP = very important person 很重要的人
W/ = with
W/E = whatever 隨便啦
W/O = without
WRK = work 工作
WTF = what the f***
WTG = way to go (= good job) 幹的好
XOXO = hugs (x) and kisses (o) 抱抱親親
(例: Ty, XOXO, UR my BFF 謝謝! 給你親親抱抱 你是我永遠的好朋友)
XLNT = excellent 太棒了
Y? = why? 為何?
YD = yesterday 昨天
YW = you're welcome 不客氣
ZZZZ = sleeping or bored 睡覺的符號 等的不耐煩時用