Yo! MOE 今日屌字三連發:
(2011.10.03)屌字~ 不要見色忘友
如果妳是女生:Chicks before dicks
如果你是男生:Bros before Hoes.
Ex: Cherry: I'm going to hang with
my girls today. Chicks before Dicks anytime.
Ex video: 我們請 Steve Carell 來跟大家解釋一下...
(2011.10.04)屌字~ fart and dart~
fart [fɑrt] v. 放屁
dart [dɑrt] v. 飛奔
Ex:Fa-Tiao likes to fart and dart in the living room.
He thinks it's awesome to see the expressions when people walk through the cloud with their mouths wide open...
(發條喜歡客廳放屁之後立刻散人, 他覺得:看人們在走進屁霧,聞到他的屁後張大嘴巴的樣子...真是太棒了)
(2011.10.05)屌字~ epic [ˋɛpɪk] 非常屌; 極度的; 終極的..
你還再說very cool… 或者 nice.. 嗎? (遜!)
現在最潮的英文adj.~ 叫做epic!!
Ex: epic car (很屌的車), epic movie (最夯的電影), epic album (最大製作的專輯), epic thanks (最大的感謝), epic fail [fel] (最遜;最白痴;慘敗;最失望; 最爛)…
例句1:OMG, Jay just got another epic ride!
例句2: Epic thanks to all your birthday wishes on my FB wall!
例句3: dude, your joke sux. Epic fail!