Yo!MOE 每日英文屌字三連發:
Yo!MOE 今日屌字~ burn[bɝn] 被嗆; 中暗劍 (被吐槽了吧!haha)
Jenny: Hey don’t you think these clothes are too big for me?
Mary: No, it’s your body that’s too big for the clothes
Cherry: burn!!!
Ex: Ex video: from "that 70s show"(2011.10.07)
Josh: Hey you guys want to go to that party tonight?
Ken: Naw, it won’t be any good if you are there.
Steve: hahaha, Josh you just got burned
Yo! MOE 今日屌字~ blooper [ˋblupɚ] n. 糗事; 尷尬的事; NG畫面
也就是所謂的 “肩界”, “出糗”,
常用於運動中的失誤(sports blooper)
Emily made a big blooper when she fell down the stairs this morning.
Yo! MOE 今日屌字~ white elephant (白象) 爛禮物; 家裡占地方又沒用的東西.
譬如說 : 康熙來了(2011-08-12)出清前情人禮物交換會 & 麻辣天后宮(11-07-20)這種禮物連鬼都不要!
可以考慮一下white elephant party 喔!
Joe: What's up! How did the White Elephant party go?
如何, 昨晚的爛禮物party
Peter: I got a pink snuggie!
我換到了一個粉紅色的snuggie [snʌgi] n. (像袍子一樣的毛毯)
Joe:Ooh! That sucks. 爛透了
Peter: totally! 真的!
Steve: Dad, I’m ganna go shopping~ you need anything?]
爸我要去賣東西~ 你有要什麼嗎?
Dad: no~ you always get me some white elephants.
別了~ 你總是買一些爛東西
Ex video: