4/22(五)康熙-她們都說自己沒有公主病英文是有在說“公主病”的! (沒錯~ 這是一種國際性的疾病)!!
公主病英文~公主症候群: Princess Syndrome
在美國有位象徵性的人物~ 沒錯! 就是Paris Hilton~
大家可以看一下這個Youtube, 我個人認為這紀錄了Paris 的病史~
網路上有一篇很有趣的文章 http://www.officialdatingresource.com/princess-syndrome-causes-symptoms-and-treament/
1. Feminazism (極端狂熱女性主義)
2. Bad parenting (父母教導)
3. The media (媒體)
4. Paris Hilton (希爾頓集團千金 芭黎思)
5. Other girls with princess syndrome (其他也有公主病的女生)
Paris is a high-maintenance girl.
“高維護", 其實也藉是簡單的形容" 難搞", "不好應付"(公主病)).
high-maintenance is one who:
-Requiring a lot of attention
-has expensive taste
-requiring much time and many products to keep their appearance at the current level
-requiring much attention from others in a relationship, romantic and otherwise
-has multiple costly needs frequently